Monday, May 7, 2012

I Think Jake and I are Cursed

Well it's a long story, but here it goes. It all started a couple of months ago when Jake and I helped Doug Denny install security cameras in his laundry mat but while we were there Doug brought his dog to the laundry mat and left him in his car. Jake and I did the job to the best of our abilities and we were feeling good about the job that we had done until later in the week when we got word that Doug's dog died that very same day from dehydration. Jake and I couldn't believe it. I mean we had just saw his dog earlier that day and it was perfectly fine but it gets worse. A couple of weeks after this Jake and I got a call from a couple from our church saying that they needed some furniture moved from their living room because they were getting new carpet. Well for fifty bucks who could resist. So Jake and I did the job, got our money and left with a couple of goodbyes. Well it turned out that those were going to be the last goodbyes we would ever say to the husband, Bob Edgecomb. He died of a heart attack later in the week. Jake and I were stunned, we just looked at each and said " First the dog and now him?" "Something's wrong with us."
So you better think twice before asking Jake and I to do something.

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